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Tuesday 17 August 2021

 COVID-19 Delta virus:

Due to circumstances beyond my control and not of my making, I find myself in strict quarantine and confined to my home because of his insidious virus. I was tested yesterday along with thousand of others and returned a negative reading but this will be monitored on a daily basis for the next five days and I can only hope my results continue to show that I am free of this dreadful virus.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been very cautious and followed all instructions from the local health authorities and others and yet I have been caught up in it. Sadly, the Delta virus is much worse than the original Alpha virus and more contagious. In my part of the world, unlike Alpha, this newest strain is affecting younger people - locally 75% of positive cases are young - and just in the last few days, two young men aged just 16 and 18 have died. Others in the age range of late twenties upwards have also succumbed. This strain of corona-virus is not an old person's disease; the youngest positive reading was a one year old toddler. 

So please, don't underestimate the contagious nature of the Delta strain of corona-virus. Treat it seriously and stay safe!

I am in lock down for several more weeks and I ask for your patience as I deal with my work commitments from the isolation of my home. I hope to find time to continue posting to this blog - hopefully, it will keep me focused - and for those who have asked Chapter 3 of "The Royal Slave" is almost complete and will be posted very shortly. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my other posts.

Stay safe!



  1. Dear Chris,
    stay safe and take care of yourself


  2. Sorry to hear about this. Hope everything turned out alright. It's a terrible virus, so take care of yourself. I'm not sure if you have been vaccinated, but if you haven't, please do so. Far too many needless deaths occur when there's such a basic solution available to most everyone. Plus I like your stories.. good enough reason to stick around

    1. Thank you for your good wishes and they are much appreciated. I have had both vaccinations. However, the Delta strain is so contagious that every precaution must be taken. All my tests have returned negative results and today, I received word that my quarantine will end this weekend but like everyone else in the community my movements are restricted until 12 September. Thank you and stay safe
