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View my other blog, "Slave himar" at http://slavehimar.bdsmlr.com

Saturday 21 August 2021

 The actor, Patrick Warburton as the slave, Richard Abdee

Le Nouveau Monde:

Thank you to those who contacted me re this story and for the comments made. Yesterday, there were 579 page views of the blog which was way above the daily average. I don't actually know how many read the story but that figure encourages me to consider writing a follow up series possibly named "Ptolemy, the slave" which expands on Ptolemy's life as a Belvoir Plantation slave.

It was also drawn to my attention that the model used by garyRo and who I chose to portray Thierry Broussard is in fact an actor, Patrick Warburton who played the part of a slave, Richard Abdee in the 1987 movie, "Dragonard". I am not familiar with this movie but will view it shortly.

Attached is a still from the movie sent to me which shows Richard Abdee after he is sold at public auction.  

Once again, thank you all for your comments.



  1. Chris, thank you.
    I had the chance to watch the movie "Dragonard" (1987) and besides being struck ny the gorgeous look of (at that time) the 22 years old hunky, athletic and heavily shackled Patrick Warburton, who's interpreting the young Scottish nobleman Richard Abdee, convict and sentecend to be publicly auctioned into slavery in a British Colony of the Caribbeans, I liked very much also the auction-scene per se, because, even if it is not (unluckily) too long, it is quite brutal and sadistic.
    Unfortunately I never read the original novel by Rupert Gilchrist, a novel that has also a very "stimulating" title, i.e. "DRAGONARD- A FLAMING NOVEL OF LUST AND SLAVERY".
    I'm saying that "unfortunately" I never read the original novel beceuse I would be very curious for seeing how the author describes in details ..... or perhaps he doesn't ! ..... that very exctiting scene of slave-auction perhaps making it even much more arousing than in the movie ! (or, on the conbtrary, perhaps not at all).

    What I'm sure of, 101% sure, is that when our Chris will describe again in full details, in one of his future works, a SLAVE AUCTION SCENE ,,,,, that will be certainly the most fabulous and most arousing masterpiece in this field ! that will delight and enrapture all of us to the utmost.


  2. Hello, Chris! Pls give us a link to your stories! You can write me too soldj@yahoo.com

    1. Hi soldj, thank you for making contact. Sadly, I no longer have my own story site. I did have several but over the years these were deleted as first tumblr and then yahoo changed there rules. I was very disheartened by this as it "cut me off" from so many I regarded as friends. I took this loss very hard and now I don't bother posting other than to this blog which isn't really a repository for my stories.
      I did set up several blogs at bdsmlr but again, because of their difficulties I can't access them and so another avenue was closed to me. In truth, I haven't been writing much in recent times and it is only now that I am regaining my enthusiasm. The response to "Le Nouveau Monde" has been a great encouragement for me to continue writing. But to answer your question, I don't have a site for my stories other than at nifty.org where some of my earlier can be found under gay/male authoritarian. You can access them by clicking on Jean-Christophe under Prolific Authors. I will make contact with you shortly. Kind regards, Chris
