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Saturday 8 February 2020

Rafe (from Changed Circumstances)

Recently, I came across this picture in my collection and I was immediately reminded of a story I wrote ten years ago which I named "Changed Circumstances".

From memory, it was my second or third attempt at writing a story and I recall it was meant to be short. However, the public response at that time - for some reason readers in those days did interact more freely with writers offering their suggestions - kept the story going for much longer. In fact, it ran for 63 chapters and although I did enjoy writing this story, towards the end, I was exhausted by it.

The story has as its hero, Lucien Barrois, a young man who'd recently inherited his grandfather's vast wealth including a plantation and many slaves.

Unfortunately, for Lucien, his claim to the Barrois fortune is disputed by a distant cousin and challenged in court. False evidence is given stating that Lucien is the progeny of a slave woman thus making him slave-born and ineligible to legally own any property. The presiding judge accepts this false evidence and condemns Lucien to life-long slavery on the basis of "born a slave; always a slave". 

The court recognises the cousin as the rightful heir and Lucien now finds he is the legal property of his distant relative who gives him the slave name "Rafe". 

Rafe is made to strip naked in public and then taken to the court's Registrar for processing and the issuing of documents proclaiming him to be a slave. Part of the process is a humiliating medical examination after which, Rafe will be taken to the court's forge for immediate branding and collaring.

This picture reminds me vividly of the scene I wrote where the pompous registrar, Cyrus T Humboldt and his callow young assistant, Jason subject Rafe to a degrading and humiliation inspection and examination before sending him off to be branded.

Rafe is very special to me as I expressed so many of my own thoughts and erotic fantasies through his "adventures". He still remains one of my favourite characters among the many I have written about since then.

Art by Amalaric


  1. Chris, I well remember, I well remember your story "Changed Circumstances" !
    It was one of the first readings of mines of your works; and it was one of the readings that created in my mind the enormous admiration that I feel for your stories and for your style of writing.


  2. I red it completly during last summer as a way to wait for new adventures of Rhodri and Ramses. I must say i particularly liked the description of the harsh pony training yet the physical development of the new slave Rafe, its pleasure in physical effort, his magnificent body glistening publicly by its sweat and then the sexual brotherhood in the pens at night. I also liked the evocation of some young bred slave at the service of the old Lady (i guess its name was Ben)...
