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View my other blog, "Slave himar" at http://slavehimar.bdsmlr.com

Monday 24 February 2020

My thoughts:

Being a consensual slave is a glorious thing and to be owned by a strong, powerful Master is the ultimate fulfilment of the slave's dream.

I know this to be true!


  1. I fully agree Chris !
    slave énak (enak@gmx.fr)

  2. I also agree ..... but from the other side !


    1. Slavery requires both Masters and slaves to be successful. Consensual slavey is like the two faces of the Roman god, Janus looking in "both" directions. We should never forget that in consensual slavery, the roles of Master and slave are complementary and can be likened to the two sides of the same coin. One exists because of the other.

  3. Correct, slave Toby, correct.

    Master Karel
