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Monday 4 November 2019

The Marionette.

If one of my slaves offends me, I never hesitate to punish him, After all, a slave only learns submission and obedience through pain and "Madame Lash" has a cutting and persuasive tongue.

At one time, I punished my slaves personally and enjoyed the experience. Lately however, I have been employing the services of a professional flogger who, for a fee, will come to your home and administer punishment to an errant slave on your behalf. You decide on the instrument of punishment and the number of strokes the slave is to receive and you can watch as the slave is strung up and flogged.

As can be seen, the flogger is made of solid muscle and I am sure the strokes he delivers are far more effective than my own feeble ones.

Certainly, as can be seen by the slave's bodily contortions, his cries of pain and his pleas for mercy, he is feeling his punishment.

Meanwhile, I can just sit back and relax, leisurely listen to classical music and enjoy a glass of my favourite wine while savouring the sight of the slave's arse being reddened as he "dances to the lash" like a marionette on a string.

Origin of video by Kink, San Francisco, Bound Gods.The text is mine, however.


  1. Ave,
    The snippet is from a video by Kink, San Francisco, Bound Gods. The whip master is Spencer. Cheers, Madahv

    1. Once again, thank you, Madahv for supplying further information re the video clip.
