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Saturday 6 November 2021

The First Cull!

"White Pearls"
Part 7
Making the Selection
Written by Jean-Christophe

Once the new livestock have been deloused, purged and scrubbed clean, it is time for me to take over. This initial inspection of the "rough diamonds" is one that I personally conduct and in fact, it is one that I very much enjoy. Leaving nothing to chance, I personally inspect every slave and I entrust no other to make the first assessments. The responsibility in making a final decision as to the new slaves' futures is mine and mine alone to decide. True, I am supported by my African slave handlers but their only role is to maintain order and discipline among the new arrivals. Occasionally, a slave displays a false sense of bravado that can unsettle his more placid companions but the sight of naked, powerfully built and heavily muscled Africans armed with whips is usually enough to subdue them into a sullen silence. 

Why do I place such importance on this first culling of the new arrivals. Inspecting and evaluating a slave's strengths and potential can be time consuming and a lot of time can be spent examining a slave only to find it is doesn't meet the high standards the "House of Malik". 

I work on the theory that a slave's overall health can quickly be ascertained by an initial inspection of its mouth and anus rather than a more prolonged bodily one which, of course, does follow if the slave survives my first cull.

Firstly, I have the slaves stand in a straight line so that I can look at their oral health. My African assistants forcibly hold open the mouths of the slaves as I run my fingers over their teeth and examine their gums and tongues. What I am looking for are strong, even teeth and moist, pink tongues and gums. This is a good indicator that the slaves will have little trouble adjusting to their new slave diet.

Any slaves with broken, missing or decaying teeth is immediately culled and taken away to a special holding pen. The same goes if the tongue is furry and grey in colour which could be an indication of an underlying health issue.

Next, those slave who pass my oral test are made to bend at the waist as I closely inspect their arses for any defects or weaknesses. Firstly, I look for a healthy, rosy red pucker that is nicely striated and tight to my finger insertion and secondly that it is sound and not damaged in any way. 

I believe a sound mouth and arse are essential in ensuring a slave 's good health.  A slave who hungrily eats his food ration and excretes regularly is a healthy slave. It is an indicator that the slave's dietary tract is in good working order and its future owner is assured of many trouble-free years of service.

I am meticulous in inspecting a slave's arse-hole to ensure the stringent demands of the "House of Malik" are met. My esteemed father expects no less. Any slave whose arse is deformed or has been overworked - and you'd be surprised at how many "rough diamonds" are "slack-arsed" from over-use in their free days - is quickly culled and sent to join its broken-mouthed companions in the rejection bin. 

The "House of Malik" won't waste time or effort in marketing these culls; instead, they will be sold on to the smaller, lesser-known slave-dealers who cater for the cheaper end of the market. Surprisingly, there is a ready market for these broken-mouthed and slack-arsed slaves to serve as heavy duty beasts-of burden in the fields, quarries, mines and on construction sites.

Why am I so fussy in culling these new slaves? The simple explanation is that the "House of Malik" exclusively caters for the top end of the market and our merchandise is second to none. We offer only the primest, most handsome and muscular of livestock to our wealthy and discerning clientele who, not only buy slaves for their labour or service, but also for the pleasure they give as sex-slaves. Hence, the great emphasis, I place on the twin pleasure portals of a slave's body; its mouth and its anus.

As yet, our new slaves are inexperienced but overtime, that will change with training by my African helpers. Eventually, the slaves will become exquisite cock-suckers and they will willingly offer up their arses to their new Masters' ravishing and hungry cocks.

Our exclusive clientele expect nothing less from any slave they purchase from us and we  jealously guard our proud, centuries old reputation for only providing the best slaves money can buy.

Those rough diamonds who survive my cull are now ready to begin the training which will transform them into the superb "House of Malik" slaves the most particular of Masters will be proud to own.


Picture found on the internet; source unknown. The text  mine.


  1. Je viens de lire sur le blog: https://elsitiodeovejanegra.blogspot.com
    Comme tout bien immobilier ou personnel mis en vente, l'esclave sexuel peut être expertisé.
    Pour cette tâche, il est recommandé à un expert de fixer une juste valeur approximative en fonction de la situation du marché en fonction des vertus ou des défauts du serviteur.
    Bien entendu, tant le vendeur que l'acheteur choisiront un ou plusieurs experts dont ils jugeront le jugement fiable.

    Pour évaluer équitablement un esclave sexuel, le ou les évaluateurs doivent inspecter la condition physique, les capacités intellectuelles, la résistance aux exigences, la discipline, l'obéissance et la discrétion de l'esclave.

    Pour cela ils devront appliquer des pénitences plus ou moins dures, exiger l'accomplissement de tâches désagréables et humiliantes pour un individu libre et fier, et bien sûr ils le pénétreront avec des instruments appropriés et l'attraperont avec leurs propres bites, afin de certifier quel degré de satisfaction ils obtiennent en abusant de sa bouche et de son trou du cul.

    Enfin, ils remettront un rapport signé aux intéressés et percevront les honoraires d'expertise préalablement convenus.

    Cela peut sembler invraisemblable, mais il existe un monde souterrain où non seulement les évaluateurs existent mais quelques-uns, très réputés, facturent un pourcentage intéressant du prix obtenu de la vente de l'esclave.

    1. servus, once again for your interesting comments about the appraisal of a slave for sexual slavery. They made for interesting reading and the information you shared with me is new to me. It gave me a lot to think about.
