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View my other blog, "Slave himar" at http://slavehimar.bdsmlr.com

Sunday 14 November 2021


My first chore for the day!

Serving as a slave once more!

 When Master wakes, this is my first chore for the day. Master likes to spend time training me with His magnificent, dark manhood and i try to rise to the challenge and satisfy Him.



  1. Slave himar,
    I and your noble new Master Jaamil have about this fully similar tastes. It’s really delightful to wake up in the morning and fuck the gorgeous manly face and the warm mouth of a thirsty young slave.
    A faithful slave should also be conscious and grateful for the great honour and privilege that his benevolent Master gives him in this way, feeding him in the morning first of all with his noble “male juice”. Are you, himar, sufficiently appreciative for this huge privilege and benevolence that your magnanimous Master is giving to you ?

    Master Karel

  2. himar.
    Comme le dit Maître Karel c'est un grand honneur que te fais Maître Jaamil de te nourrir de son "jus de mâle" extrait directement à la source.
    Le propriétaire qui me possedait, m'autorisait à déguster son nectar qu'après lui avoir montré sur ma langue et s'il estimait que j'en ai été digne. Lorsque ce n'était pas le cas, je devais après avoir récupéré sa "crème de beauté" m'en frictionner la figure. Et bien sûr il m'était interdit de cracher ma jute.
    Je constate également que tu signes "lui" encore plus insignifiant que "himar" ce qui se rapproche un plus plus de notre être: rien
    Bonne journée à Maître Jaamil, à vous aussi Maître Karel et à toi aussi himar.

  3. Servus,
    I like that you talk of the sperm of your past Owner as a “beauty-cream” . Actually I’m always been intrigued by the fact that in ancient Rome a legendary tradition really attributed to human sperm several almost “miraculous & magical properties”. E.g. it is said that it was used as an ingredient for magical potions, in particular for love potions. But even more “perversely” it seems that some rich and libidinous aristocratic Matrons really used it as a “anti-age” beauty cream of prodigious effectiveness; while some old and weak perverted Senators were said to drink it as a fantastic “rejuvenating & invigorating” treatment. And of course it was “extracted” from its most natural source: very young, healthy and vigorous male slaves that were “milked” or forced to “self-milk” at the order and whim of their Master or Mistress.
    What a “paradise for perverts” of all possible types was
    ancient Rome !

