
This is an adult site and anyone under the legal age of their respective jurisdiction should leave the blog immediately.

Pictures are sourced from the internet and where possible ownership of them is acknowledged. If you own a picture and want it removed, please contact me.

View my other blog, "Slave himar" at http://slavehimar.bdsmlr.com

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Your comments are welcome!

I welcome the recent comments made on some of my posts by "K" - whoever he might be. 
His comments are knowledgeable, soundly based and add further information to what I have written.

I thank "K" for his contributions and hope he will continue to respond to my posts. 

Indeed, I would welcome all comments from any readers of my posts as long as they are relevant to the subject and show respect for the views of others. So please, if you feel inclined to participate, then do so by clicking on "No Comments" which will open a dialogue box in which you type your contributions.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your words, Chris.
    But even more thanks for the pleasure that you give to all your readers with your superb Art.
    Your faithful admirer

