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Wednesday 1 May 2019

Slavery never really went away!

Slavery is a fact of modern life. In remote parts of the Middle-East and Africa, it's still possible to find slave-markets where young, Western men - newly kidnapped from the streets of their home cities - are bought and sold like cattle or other domesticated animals.

Artwork by the incomparable Amalaric: the text is mine. 

1 comment:

  1. You are right, Chris, in saying “INCOMPARABLE” the Art of Amalaric especially in the present Artwork.
    In front of such an outstanding masterpiece of graphical Erotic Art, I would dream and long, Chris, for reading a much longer story “narrating” what “is behind” this splendid image by Amalaric ……… narrating the full and detailed story of these two gorgeous modern slaves, for whom, by the way, the great Amalaric has used the marvelous masculine faces of two of the most handsome and sexiest actors and young men in the world (at least this is my opinion) !
    How much I’d like to read a story of yours about the adventures of the two slaves !

