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Sunday 25 July 2021


Slaves of this quality are a rarity and they are seldom offered for sale. When they are however, they elicit great interest among the richest and most discerning of buyers.

And Tor is no exception to this. Seldom does the slave-brokerage of Skank and Dreyfus have the honour to offer such an exceptional slave among their offerings.

Tor, as can be seen from his Nordic looks, is a Norwegian snatched from the streets of Oslo and spirited away into chattel slavery.

We at Skank and Dreyfus were given the task of selling this most marketable of slaves and we spared no expense in promoting him to our exclusive and wealthiest clients in Africa and the Middle East. 

Here, we see agents at a "online auction" who are acting for these overseas buyers bidding for Tor. And we are overwhelmed by the amount of money the buyers are prepared to spend to own this fine slave. Naturally, we are delighted by the response and we are doing our best to drive the bids higher. After all, it is in our interests to do so; the higher the price the slave fetches the greater our commission.

Bidding for the slave was feverish with buyers outbidding one another but eventually Tor was sold to a client in the Middle East who seems to have inexhaustible funds at his disposal.

Normally we are unconcerned what happens to a slave once it s sold and leaves our premises. However, the small fortune paid by the buyer for Tor aroused our curiosity and we did make inquiries as to Tor's future role as a slave in the Middle East.

We found out his new owner is the owner of many plantations and farms who has a penchant for blond, blue-eyed Caucasian slaves and Tor meets his criteria.

Our understanding is that Tor will be trained as a "human pony" and used as such by his new master.

Among his master's many properties is a highly regarded slave-breeding farm started by the buyer's grandfather and given over to the exclusive breeding of blond, blue-eyed slaves such as Tor for the well-established slave-markets of the Middle East and the emerging ones in a resurgent Africa where the ownership of slaves, such as Tor is considered "de riguer" and the ultimate status symbol. We subsequently, learnt that Tor will also be used for stud purposes at the farm. Undoubtedly, Tor will rise to the task and add enormously to the genetic pool of the stud-farm. 

We here at Skank and Dreyfus wish our Middle Eastern client every success in his breeding programme to which Tor will contribute most admirably.

Picture found on internet; source unknown. Text is Chris' work collated and posted by me.     Nathaniel


  1. Nathaniel,
    first of all let me express to you my gratitude for the precious help that you are giving to our sublime Artist and friend Chris, for this and other posts in this period.
    Best regards


  2. What a fabulous slave is our Norwegian “Viking-god” Tor ….. and how beautiful and exciting is this fantasy created by the powerful imagination of the great Chris and collated and posted thanks to the very kind and deserving help of Nathaniel.
    I do like very much and I find very erotic all these stressed observations about the particularly great value that Nordic slaves like Tor, unusually tall, very muscular, blond haired and blue –eyed have –both per se and also for breeding new slaves similar to them- especially in the Slave Markets of the whole Middle East, of the Arabic peninsula and of all Africa !
    Let me add, that this, besides being just a very exciting erotic and sadistic fantasy, has been …. certainly in the past, perhaps somehow even today ! …… a well documented HISTORICAL REALITY !
    E.g. I have always read with great excitement the history of the Northern-African Barbary Pirates, that terrorized and raided all the coasts of Europe, capturing and trading millions of Christian slaves, for more than eleven centuries (!), from the 8th century CE to at least the first half of the 19th century.
    Well, among the audacious deeds of these ferocious, barbarous pirates and slave traders, one aspect as always struck my imagination.
    However extremely dangerous for them was to sail the stormy Atlantic Ocean with relatively small galleys, instead of sailing just the quiet Mediterranean, and even more on very long sea-travels through the immense Ocean ……. starting at least from the 15th century these greedy Arab and African slave-hunters started to regularly cross the Strait of Gibraltar to venture into the immense Ocean.
    The scope of such extremely dangerous oceanic travels was only ONE: to capture the extremely valued and precious “blond and blue-eyed” slaves of Northern Europe, both males and females, that with their sturdy bodies, their exceptional good-look and their “exotic” blond hair and blue or green eyes, were extremely requested and very highly valued and paid in all the Slave Markets of countries inhabited by dark-haired and dark-skinned short people, from Northern-Africa and Egypt to the whole Middle East and Turkey, from the Arabic peninsula to even the far Persian Empire.
    So for the greediness of huge quantities of gold, the reckless and fierce Barbary Pirates started to regularly raid not only the coasts of Northern France and of Great Britain, of Ireland and of the Netherlands and Northern Germany …… but with even more greediness and ferocity they started to raid even the very far and secluded lands of Scandinavia and Denmark and of the whole Baltic Sea, capturing enormous herds of Nordic slaves, both of Germanic / Scandinavian ethnicity but also Russians and Slavs (another very flourishing source if precious blond and blue-eyed Russian slaves, was through Crimea and the Black Sea. But that source of very valuable Nordic Russian slaves was under the control mainly of Turks).
    In the 17th and 18th, with incredible boldness and bravery, the Northern African Barbary Pirates arrived even to raid for three times the extremely far and secluded coasts of Iceland ! for capturing very precious “gold haired” Icelandic youths and girls that were auctioned in the Slave Markets of Algiers and of Morocco at the most amazingly high prices !
    So, this Norwegian blond stud Tor, is actually just the last case of an almost countless series of thousands “Viking” slaves sold at the highest prices in the Slave Markets of Arabia and Africa.

