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Tuesday 20 July 2021

 By chance, I found this drawing on the internet by an artist named Mitchell whose works were previously unknown to me. I have since discovered he has a site at "mitchmen-the blog" and it is well worth a visit if you don't already know of it.

I genuinely love black and white drawings by such artists as Etienne, Cavelo and my good friend Pote. For me such drawings are intimate and show the the innermost feelings of the artist. Usually, they are erotic - something that appeals to me - and this one in particular had immediate appeal. 

It played to my "slave consciousness" and i quickly saw myself as the slave as portrayed. To be truthful, this is how i always visualise my slavery, near naked except for a brief loin cloth, collared and shackled and made to work under the lash.

While, i find total slave nakedness appealing, i also love loincloths and cinctures not because of any modesty on my part. Rather the opposite is true. The partial covering of the genitals draws attention to the slave's body and leaves something to the imagination. i often wear a brief covering similar to the one shown in the drawing.

Therefore, i see myself as the slave toiling in his Master's field; however obviously not to the satisfaction of the overseer who has uncurled his cruel whip and s aiming it at my unprotected back.

Unsuspecting, i will soon hear the ominous swish and whine of the whip and hear the loud resounding crack of raw leather cutting into naked flesh - my flesh. As the lash curls itself around my torso leaving an angry red stripe, i will feel the excruciating pain and hear my cry of startled pain. And i will bend my back lower and work harder to avoid a repeat.

This my slave fantasy fed to me by this drawing by Mitchell.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,
    I find very erotic and exciting this slave-fantasy of yours ….. of course while I’m imagining to be such overseer, or even your Master !
    Let me add the following: I fully agree with you that some “covering” of complete nakedness, is adding a lot, in my opinion, to the erotic-appeal of a slave’s body, leaving not only something “to the imagination” but also to the pleasure and excitement of denuding and stripping what is still hidden and covered in the slave’s body.
    For example (and e.g. Roman slave traders and auctioneers, knew very well this “trick”) a scanty loincloth of a pair of very skin-tight and skimpy shorts are –in my opinion- much more erotic and exciting that full nudity.

