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Monday 15 February 2021

My tribute to a friend.

Enak, my dear friend and brother slave, this is my tribute to you. I know from our conversations that we have much in common and we have at times, talked about serving together as "brother slaves".

In my imagination, I see these two as us snatched off the streets by illicit slavers and being made ready for shipment to a slave-market in the Middle-East.

There, we will be bought by a wealthy Arab Master and sent to his stables to be conditioned and trained as a pair of his personal pony-slaves.

Ahh, if only imagination could become reality!



  1. Thank you very much Chris for your kind thought or should i say slave #18. These two slaves are really appealing and i enjoy their helplessness and subservience. Indeed slavebrother we will need to look dow and keep ourselves shoulder to shoulder if we want to survive under the whipp of our new Master. Yet afetr so many month in lockup it would be some kind of liberation to trot in the open air, yoked to our driver's sulky, pulling Him across His vast domain, sweating alongside oneanother, our cocks flying around in rythm with our pace and effort. Breathing hard and hoping to collapse eventually in the evening in our barn, lying shackled on the straw with only our common body heat to comfort us during the night...

  2. That is a very erotic video clip. Can you tell me if it's from a movie or real life, I would like to see what follows.

  3. WOW ! Chris and Enak !
    I like to imagine you both as my slaves !

    Thanks, Chris, for this very exciting post

